Friday, November 16, 2007

I'm beat.

I'm so worn out. I don't know what's wrong with me but I am incredibly tired all the time lately and I can't do anything more than pass out on the couch and go online most nights. Hell, I'm even too lazy to get up and get my food right now.
The weird thing is that I do get enough sleep, I've been getting about 7-9 hours a night throughout the tour which is really great for me! But I'm still sooo exhausted all the time. Maybe I'm just ready for the tour to be over. I know I'm sure as hell ready to be in Boston and see my boyfriend already.

Anyways, enough whining for me. Mike, Nicole and I got some wine tonight and made plans to watch a french movie together tonight. Then in the morning we head to New Orleans! I'm excited about that. :)


Jae said...

Dude, I think the Segway and the phones zap your energy. No lie. I've been getting way more sleep than usual since I picked up this promo gig (because I get up hella early for it, then teach and/or go work the shows...I'm assistant manager at Wicked now. Mental.) but i'm freakin exhausted all the time. I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow last night!

Anonymous said...

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